
Botwars Ultimate Trading Game

Learn to trade cryptocurrency and manage your financial risk through game based learning. Botwars is available on Android and iOS and has organically attracted over 40,000 users since June 2020.

Trading Education

Trading Education

Botwars Ultimate Trading game gives players a safe platform to learn how to trade cryptocurrencies. There are many different trading game modes including group battles, player vs player and even a trading quiz to test a players knowledge.

Botwars Ultimate Trading Game - Promo video

One of many short promotional videos that I helped create to promote Botwars.

Game Design

Game Design

I have lead the game design of Botwars Ultimate Trading since inception, this included defining the core game loops, points systems, game play, levelling and balancing.

Visualising Trading Orders

Visualising Trading Orders

Data visualisation of trading order types was mapped out as a proof of concept and used to form parts of the development brief and logic used for the AI that was required to make robots move and fight against each other on the virtual battlefield.

Designing Order Types

Designing Order Types

Taking the most commonly used and most useful trading order types I was able to create different classes of robots with unique characteristics to represent the order types.

Battle Simulation Design

Battle Simulation Design

Each trading order is represented by the robot that the player created, and mapped to a virtual battlefield. This is a real-time battle simulation of all the buy orders attacking all the sell orders. If the trade loses, the robot is blown up, if the trade wins, the robot is air lifted to safety.

App UX and UI Design

App UX and UI Design

The app Botwars consists of many different sections and game modes. There are also clans where users can play and learn together, leaderboard to show who is winning, achievement trees and more. Each section within Botwars has been run a separate project with bespoke UX and UI created in agile sprints.

Customer Journey

Customer Journey

After requirement gathering and feasibility studies I mapped out the high level customer journeys through the application, identifying breaks in the journeys and external connections and requirements from partners.

User Journeys

User Journeys

For each section within Botwars, I created user journey flow diagrams to help validate the scope and flow before moving onto wireframes and prototypes.

Botwars - player vs player flow@2x.png

InVision Prototypes

For each new section of Botwars I created clickable prototypes that were used to validate the design with testers before implementing UI and building.

UI Design

UI Design

Designed many sections of Botwars including The Battle Arena, this involved utilising existing UI patterns, expanding on them and creating new patterns to improve the pattern library.

Candle Clash Social Trading Game

Candle Clash is a mini game that forms part of Botwars. In this mini game players are matched in real-time and compete for stake. It is a zero sum game so winner takes all.

Each mini battle takes place on a different financial market, and uses real time financial data at 10 second candle intervals. Players need to decide if each candle will close up or down. This teaches players about candle stick patterns, while having fun at the same time.